Our take on what's happening in the community

The Quantum Threat Timeline: Why Organizations Must Act Now
Quantum computing is advancing rapidly, with recent breakthroughs accelerating the timeline for cryptographic risk.

The Future is Here: Navigating for Success in the Post-Quantum Era
Discover key strategies for implementing NIST's new post-quantum cryptography standards to secure your data for the quantum future.

Quantum Leap: New NIST Guidance for Quantum-Resistant Cryptography
The promise of quantum computing presents exciting possibilities to usher in a new era of innovation across the global economy.

The Power of Crypto-Agility: A Defence-in-Depth Strategy for Quantum and Beyond
There are steps you can take today to prepare a strong foundation upon which to build your quantum-safe migration plan.

A Defence-in-Depth Approach to Security
Stacking QKD and PQC for highly resilient data protection should be a key consideration to ensure guaranteed security their most sensitive assets.

Unlocking the Code: Lessons in Cryptography from the Enigma Machine
As the world becomes more connected, the importance of secure communication has only grown.

Navigating the Rapidly Evolving Threat Landscape: How to Stay Ahead with a Quantum Risk Assessment
You already know that cybersecurity is crucial to protect your organization from a wide range of threats.

Breaking RSA: Separating Hype from Reality
Experts advise that while we need not panic, we should migrate to quantum-safe cryptography without delay.