The Future is Here: Navigating for Success in the Post-Quantum Era

September 4, 2024
The Future is Here:  Navigating for Success in the Post-Quantum Era

The recent release of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) post-quantum cryptography (PQC) standards serves as a significant reality check for global organizations that have yet to begin the process of achieving “quantum-safe” status or progress beyond the planning phase. This announcement sets the stage for a framework to keep current data secure in light of the significant advancements and exponential processing power of quantum computers and other evolving threats.

In a KPMG survey of 250 large US and Canadian corporations, most respondents classified themselves as “extremely concerned” with quantum computing’s capacity to decipher and destabilize current cybersecurity systems.  And a majority agreed that “it’s only a matter of time” before cybercriminals use the power of quantum to decrypt and disrupt today’s cybersecurity protocols. Despite this concern, an astounding 81 percent of those surveyed in the U.S. acknowledge a need to improve their ability to assess current readiness and capacity to secure data.

This seemingly conflicting mentality reflects the dilemma corporate leaders face. While there is a general consensus on the gravity of the challenge, leaders are less clear on how to address it in the short and long term. This “analysis paralysis” can be overwhelming and ultimately detrimental to becoming quantum safe.

Preparation > Procrastination

Beyond the functional aspects of running a business, the new PQC standards will also impact an organization’s ability to connect to, and do business with, customers, vendors, and partners.  There have been well-publicized instances of supply chain security vulnerabilities leading to massive business disruptions, which will be further exacerbated if organizations are not aligned from a quantum planning perspective. There must be an established trust among all parties within the partner ecosystem that proven security policies are in place with the latest protocols. Adopting this mentality of urgency now will only serve as an advantage as these standards become generally adopted across the global marketplace.

There is a clear mandate: act now and be prepared for a post-quantum world, or be left behind and potentially put your organization, customers, and partners at risk.  But from a practical standpoint, what does a successful PQC migration look like?  The experts at evolutionQ bring a straightforward approach grounded in fundamental principles, backed by over a decade of practical PQC experience that brings clarity to the complexities of quantum technology.  While every situation is unique, a sound process encompasses the following:

  • Risk and Vulnerability Assessment: The critical first step of the process is to thoroughly analyze a company’s quantum threat exposure and overall security posture. This includes discovery and assessment of current cryptographic defenses and an evaluation of quantum vulnerabilities. 
  • Roadmap & Strategy: An eye on the future and a big picture perspective are fundamental components of facing the PQC challenge. Our team provides unique, client-specific analysis rooted in a precision timeline and budgeting process.  This enables us to provide customized, in-depth guidance for the effective use of quantum-safe cybersecurity tools that will support broader business objectives for the long-term with minimal impact to operations or the end-user experience.   
  • Migration: While the path to quantum-safe can be daunting, it can also be cost effective with the right team at your side. evolutionQ can advise on the best course of action for maximum gain without squandering resources. From creating efficiencies during technology refreshes to gradually implementing quantum-safe changes, to maximizing vendor partnerships for an organic approach to upgrades, there are a number of approaches we can take to contain costs. 
  • Partnership and Collaboration: Working closely with a proven team, such as evolutionQ, can jumpstart an organization’s PQC initiatives with practical guidance to towards quantum safety. We focus on understanding risk at a business level to determine what gaps need to be addressed based on a detailed plan of action specific to each organization.   

Looking Ahead – The Future Is Now

The inherent complexity and light-speed innovation of quantum computing technology can be intimidating for decision makers. Thoughtful planning and organizational buy-in are key components for executing a successful quantum migration. The alignment of operations, resources and personnel are essential for the long-term success of the initiative.

Maintaining this forward-thinking mindset also helps to[th1]  address current challenges.  The emergence of “Store Now, Decrypt Later (SNDL)[MJ2] [MJ3] ” and other related attacks are powerful reminders that status quo security is no longer adequate[SR4] .  In the wake of the updated NIST PQC standards, public and private sector leaders have weighed in on the significance for both today and tomorrow.[SR5] [SR6]   A statement from the White House emphasized, “...malicious actors are already using a 'store-now, break-later' strategy,” in reference to recent alerts from NIST leadership.  In addition, Google Cloud’s VP of TI Security & CISO, declared in recent blog post, “Board members should understand the consequences of not preparing for PQC, and ask questions of their organization’s leaders including the CISO, CIO, and CTO...”

While understanding immediate and long-term goals is an important first step, the most crucial factor for being quantum-safe will hinge on overall commitment to the new NIST standards and motivation to future-proof technology infrastructure in the near term. Strategic partnerships with an experienced team can streamline the PQC implementation processes, protect against current and future threats, and lay the foundation for advancements yet to come. These new standards should be a call to action and urgency – the importance of starting this motion in the near term cannot be overstated.

The time is now to start your post-quantum journey!  Contact us today to better understand the new NIST standards and how to navigate for success in this new era of computing.