The Problem
Quantum computing is advancing rapidly and could render current cryptographic systems unsafe by as early as 2029. Without preparation and a clear roadmap to quantum safety, organizations risk prolonged operational disruption, data breaches, loss of trust and costly remediation efforts. To support tech and business leaders in managing their transition to quantum-safe technologies, evolutionQ offers Quantum Roadmap Services.
Why Act Now?
- NIST's New Standards: The August 2024 launch of post-quantum cryptography (PQC) standards signals the need for immediate action.
- Lengthy Transition: Migrating to quantum-safe cryptography can take 4–10+ years, making proactive planning essential in order to avoid prolonged operational disruption, and other massive and systemic losses.
- Additional Current Threats: Organizations are vulnerable today to “Store Now, Decrypt Later” attacks, where adversaries harvest encrypted data now to decrypt in the future.

Launching Your Quantum-Safe Journey
Many organizations are beginning their journey to quantum safety and require a clear, actionable roadmap. We work with clients based on their individual starting point to create a customized journey that fits their needs.
At the broadest level, we help organizations do two things:
- Answer the question “what key decisions guide my investment and what activities are required to meet my timelines and risk tolerance?”
- Define and plan for the key activities, milestones and dependencies they should be preparing for over the next years .
Why evolutionQ?
- Unmatched Expertise: Founded by global leaders in quantum-safe cryptography, including Dr. Michele Mosca, Dr. Norbert Lütkenhaus, and Dr. David Jao of the University of Waterloo.
- Proven Track Record: Supporting governments, financial institutions, and enterprises worldwide in navigating quantum threats. We publish an annual Quantum Threat report with the Global Risk Institute and developed the first Quantum Risk Assessment framework. We worked with the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore to develop a Quantum Readiness Index tool.
- Vendor Neutrality: Offering unbiased insights to help you choose the best path forward.

Example topics covered in a quantum roadmap strategy
Understanding the market and ecosystem
Latest thinking on the PQC standards, current certifications and the protocol standards that are going into products and services and how these are expected to evolve. Advice on what can be negotiated through vendors either via an upgrade or custom update.
How to best use quantum-safe cybersecurity tools today
Advice on what tools and products are available in the market ranging from toolkits to build post-quantum cryptography into your software to cryptographic inventory tools to different types of quantum random number generators.
Sensible migration steps to a quantum-safe posture
Migration time is a key component of any quantum-safe roadmap plan. Sometimes buy-vs-build considerations become more clear when threat timelines and business risk are considered as part of a migration plan.
Planning an achievable quantum-safe migration
Technology refresh cycles can be leveraged to introduce quantum-safe changes over time. Or leveraging a strong vendor partnership to ask for upgraded cybersecurity features may be a path to organic quantum-safe improvements. Leveraging these business advantages can drastically reduce migration times in a cost effective way.

Planning is key to avoid a chaotic quantum-safe migration
New PQC algorithms are not drop-in replacements. They have peculiarities that could cause challenges for organizations when attempting a sensible migration, especially for core or entrenched IT systems. The evolving frontier of QKD capabilities and limitations also need to be considered, including the speed of key generation, distance and interoperability. Planning pays dividends when it comes to discovering all of the potential pitfalls endemic with a large scale cybersecurity migration.
Beyond identifying the key activities and milestones for an organization, the Quantum Roadmap will:
- Provide a point-of-view on vendor remediation plans and timeline
- Provide structure to align on their quantum-safe strategy and posture e (e.g., first to market, fast follower)
- Make suggestions for building in defense-in-depth as well as cryptographic resiliency and agility
- Identify outstanding gaps an organization will need to address
- Suggest a governance structure and cross-functional teams to deliver
- Provide high-level budget insights

Start Your Quantum-Safe Journey Today
Contact us to learn more about evolutionQ’s Quantum Roadmap services and take the first step toward securing your future.